收納保存 How to Store Your Shoes
- 日常穿著後,請一定要先將鞋面及皮革沿條上的灰塵、泥巴等髒汙去除後,再放入鞋櫃,因為這些髒汙是皮革最大的殺手。灰塵可用鞋刷來清除;泥巴或髒汙則可用濕布,必要時佐以皮革清潔劑來清理。
- 由於台灣的氣候非常潮濕,請切記不要將鞋子放在密閉不通風的櫃子裡,以避免黴菌的滋生。如果可以的話,我們還是建議在鞋櫃內放置一些防霉的除濕產品在您的鞋櫃中。
- 鞋子擺放在鞋櫃時,鞋子與鞋子間最好要有一定的空間;請避免擺放得太擁擠,甚至是堆疊在一起的情形。
- 鞋子淋過雨後,請務必先將鞋子上的水分拭去,取出鞋墊(必要時請清洗),並放到通風處蔭乾後,才可放回鞋櫃中。切記勿用吹風機或曝曬等高溫的方法來烘乾濕的鞋子,以避免皮革受損。
- Please remove all the dust and dirt on the shoes with a shoe brush after a all day long use. This is very important because dust and dirt are a lethal killer for any leather products. If necessary, please use leather cleaner.
- To prevent the mold from growing on your shoes, we strongly recommend you not to store your shoes in a dark and humid environment, such as a completely closed closet.
- While storing the shoes on a shoe rack, please make sure there is space between every pair of shoes. Don't pile up the shoes.
- If the shoes are damped by rain, please wipe the shoes with a dry cloth, remove the insoles (wash the insoles if necessary) and put the shoes at a adequately ventilated place to dry naturally. Please don't use any high heat, such as hair drier or exposing the shoes to the sun, to dry the shoes.